Ladies In Waiting

Becoming beautiful from the inside out...


All The Broken Pieces...

On Sunday morning, as I was arranging a couple of fresh floral arrangements for church, a song kept playing over and over in my head. And as usual, I decided to sing along. :)

Give them all, give them all, give them all to Jesus
Shattered dreams, wounded hearts, broken toys.
Give them all, give them all, give them all to Jesus
And He will turn your sorrow into joy.

As I got to the end of the second line, I stopped. Why is this the hardest thing to let go of? The broken pieces of our lives? Why do we hold on to the hurt for so long? I didn't think much of it beyond that. But that night, my cousin led the service and talked about the Potter and the clay. How that God is the only One Who can take the broken pieces and put them back together again.

And I realized something...the only way for God to reshape us, to re-mold us, to put us back together again, is for us to bring Him the broken pieces of our hearts. He stands near His potter's wheel, ready to begin. But He waits for me to come to Him with my brokenness. He waits on me to bring Him my hurt and disappointments. My shattered dreams, wounded heart and broken toys. Only then can He take what is left of me and mold me into something beautiful to Him.

I'm so thankful that I'm in His hands and not in the Potter's field! The barren land filled with the discarded shards of other vessels is not where I belong. I may not be a truly magnificent piece of art...yet. :) But I am in His hands and I am a work of art in progress! I honestly believe this.

Did you feel, feel it break
From all the weight of your mistake?
You never knew how much it cost
Feels like your innocence is lost
So much for the perfect life
So much for the perfect day
It's like no matter how you try
Perfection's just too far away
So lift them up to Me

All the broken pieces
All the broken pieces of your life
All the broken pieces
All the broken pieces of your life

Did you hear what I said?
Did you read the words I wrote down in red?
I was broken once for you
And no one loves you like I do
And that's the beauty of this grace
It can put the pieces back in place
And shine reflections of forgiveness
In a million different ways

I can take even your greatest mistake
Every scar, every tear, every break
And I can turn it in to something more beautiful
Than you have ever seen
So lift them up to Me

All The Broken Pieces, Matthew West

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