Ladies In Waiting

Becoming beautiful from the inside out...


The Loss of Hope

For why should I continue hope
Which disappointment borne?

And why continue I to dream

Which vanishes away come morn?

- M.D.M -

Someone once said that the light at the end of the tunnel is the headlight of an oncoming train. Now I am not a pessimist, even though I am often accused of being one. I rather think of myself as a realist. In a pessimistic mood right now. ☺ But I think the train headlight thing is a pretty accurate description of my life at this point. Ever have a "quicksand moment"? Where you are struggling to get out of a bad situation and your attempt at freedom serves to only bring you that much closer to total destruction?! Okay, so that's a bit dramatic but really. The harder you try to "fix your problems", the worse they get. Hmm. Life is like a box of chocolate - that's what Mama Gump said. I don't like chocolate.

New Topic - Say that someone has a problem with They are always purchasing something new to flaunt. That person can choose to stop purchasing things but what makes them do it? Why do they feel the need to surround themselves with new things? Yeah, maybe we'll discuss the why's later. I just wanted to pose the question.

So yeah. I've decided to "fast" from shopping. Not that I was referring to myself in the paragraph above. Of course not. ☺ Anyways, Jen has agreed to be my consience. From August 2nd - August 27th, I am not buying a single article of clothing, no Must Have pair of shoes, no acccessories, no...anything. Sigh. Okay, well food and neccessities of course. We shall see how this goes. maybe after all this goes down, I'll bare my heart and write the Reason I Shop. I had a Moment of Self Evaluation last night on the way to Wal-Mart. Dangerous stuff. Anyways. That's all for today folks!




So I changed my blog. I get bored with stuff easily! I'm not like Jen, Elissa and Rhonda who can socialize online like nobody's business! I'm kinda like, "Hey! How are you?!" Okay...well. Nice talking to you!" That's about the extent of my blogs. No lie. Oh and don't e-mail me...I have (hold on...let me check) 1282 messages in my inbox. I hate e-mail! I'm not any better at texting either.

So...I changed my blog. Now I have a place, an online space...for which to post my poetry! Whoo Hoo. But hey! It's different, right?! No? Okay, but it's my blog and since I decided I want to post my poems, songs and just plain golly, I shall!

♥ Shelley Dianne