Since I'm not in front of a computer for 9+ hours a day anymore, I can't keep up with blogging! And I'm not one of those people who live, eat, sleep and bathe with their cell attached to their palm.
We take a break from our regularly scheduled program to allow for...
A Moment of Venting
Seriously! What is up with that?! Am I the only one left who cannot stand that?! I mean, it KILLS me when I'm speaking to someone who is staring at their cell, tapping out a text, or surfing the net. Many times, I've wanted to say something snarky like....
"Let me know when you're through there and we can resume our conversation."
Or..."Maybe I should let you go. You're obviously in the middle of something very important."
Or, my personal favorite..."What am I, CHOPPED LIVER?! Am I not as important as whatever is on that there technical device?!"
Sorry to all those that participate in this particular behavior, this was not aimed at you. I promise.
Obligatory smiley face > :)
Resuming my normal, nice person blog. (Well, I try to be nice, anyways.)
Let me just say that Jesus loves the people who cannot be parted from their cell phones. He really does.He died for ya'll too. Grace and mercy are made free at the foot of the cross.
Please contact Joel Pace, Pastor, at 214.391.0017 to ask more about this wondrous Lord and Savior.
(See, I told you I could be nice.)
Okay so, I've been learning some pretty heavy stuff lately. About myself, life and what not to do with myself in life.
One thing NOT to do is mix drain cleaners. If you try one and it doesn't work, wait a day or so (and make sure to run the water to flush the pipes) before you try the second one. Or else you will have a clogged drain with standing water and no one can take a shower and then you may be late for church where your pastor may or may not call you out for being late then you have to sit through the remainder of the service, embarrassed because 1) You got called out by the pastor in front of the faithful Friday night saints and 2) You stink.
Thank God for the mercy and grace mentioned above because NONE of that happened to me. Well, I did clog the drain but I happen to have a Handyman for a father and a Desperate for a Bath sister. They unclogged it. At 5pm. Enough time for the whole Menzies family to shower. Hallelujah. \O/ (< that's my Hallelujah Man)
I'm also learning that when you pray and ask Jesus to humble you and show you how to humble yourself, He answers pretty quickly. No lie! I mean, you always hear it preached and even know it for yourself that God works in mysterious ways. He may not answer when you want Him to but answers just in time! But nothing was mysterious about how He answered this prayer. Mercy. So yeah, now I have to pray for strength to be able to do what He told me to. Amen.
(Raising my hand to request for a Special Unspoken during prayer request time)
And I also learned that Jesus loves frivolous, little me!
So for weeks now, I've been wanting a new purse. But every time I go into one of my stores, I don't see anything I like. I took it as a sign that Jesus didn't want me to shop for a bag, I had enough already. (Amazing how we get spiritual when we can't get what we want...Oh, I guess it's not God's will, we say. When we knew all along that we didn't need to buy whatever it is we wanted!)
Yesterday, I stopped by my local Goodwill. (Having been told last week by a co-worker that she saw a ton of Fossil bags at her Goodwill, selling for $10-$25. When she went back the next day, they were all gone. Not God's will, obviously. ;)
Lo and behold, I found two large bins of bags! They had slices in the leather (I guess Macy's donated them and didn't want anyone to re-sell them?) and I found a saddle bag for less than $15! The slice is on the bottom and no one can see it. :) I went straight to Home Depot (I am the daughter of a Handyman, hello somebody?) and bought leather glue for $3 and change. Ain't God good? Can I get an Amen?!
So the moral of this story can go two ways.
1) God had mercy on me and let me find an awesome deal and now I have the purse that I've been wanting for a couple weeks. Yay! Or 2) God tested me (because buying a new purse was NOT in His will) and I failed. Booooo.
I like #1.
And I like my purse!
And before you go, a picture to make you smile...
Alien Baby!
AKA. Cousin Issac
Happy Weekend Ya'll! And Thanksgiving since I probably won't post anything before then. lol