Soooo, I took almost 6 months off from the wonderful world of blogging. But she's back! Why, say you? I didn't plan on it. But I got too lazy and laziness becomes a habit. So. I decided that my first blog would be random things. Deep breath.....
Meet my new cousin!
I'm told he has my exact coloring. Now, ain't that just precious?!
Que mas?
Oh, yes. I've begun walking again. lol Good times! I'm on a health kick! Bought my vitamins, lots of healthy snacks, a couple of dumbbells and a weight ball. What for, you ask? Well, I have it on good authority (my deep and humble thanks, thou very wise and gifted 17 year old!) that if you are in a soon to be wedding, you should be trying to LOSE WEIGHT. How did I get to the grand ole age of 27 and not know this????? Well, to be honest, that's not really why. I just felt a desire to be less of a lump in the center of my bed for more than the necessary time needed to sleep. And because I heard that exercise is good for arthritis. No lie. I really did hear that. So yeah, Michelle is out sweating in the mornings here in PG! If you're ever in the area...keep away!
I think that's everything.
Oh, I came across a wonderful scripture the other day in my daily devotions! Want to hear it?! I love it!
For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Isaiah 55:12
The day I came across that scripture, I seriously needed a good dose of peace and joy! God's thoughts are not our own. His ways aren't ours. So if I was not "going out with joy" and "being led by peace", then surely I was walking contrary to His paths. My hand was not in His just then. Just like Peter, I had removed my eyes from His and was trembling at the sight of my troubles. Sometimes it's hard to realize that even though we are going through, God sees everything.
He knows the sparrow that falls and He hears it's call,
So why would I doubt, and think He can't hear my shout?
When I fall to my knees, He hears every plea
His ways are not mine, but He answers each time!